Now that our public school system has finally finished the school year (it was a bit delayed due to our crazy winter weather), I can focus solely on summer. Summer always involves sunshine, time with friends and family, outdoor grilling, fresh cucumbers, traveling, and lazy summer evenings, but I thought it would be fun to also include a bucket list this year. I love the idea of a summer bucket list. It seems less stressful and more achievable than a traditional bucket list. I enjoy a challenge, and I work best under a deadline, so I’ve created a list of summertime goals with the intent to accomplish them all!
1). Read Five Books (at least): I love, love to read but never make it a priority. It’s so frustrating. Once I finish one good book, I can’t wait to read the next. It’s rather addictive, as all readers know. I just need to get going with the first book. I’ve got the first three lined up: Insurgent by Veronica Roth (already on pg. 75), Looking for Alaska by John Green, and The Two Week Wait by Sarah Rayner. Any suggestions for the other two?
2). DIY Beauty Product: I’ve pinned several homemade beauty products lately, such as face scrubs or toners. I want to at least make one this summer and see how well it works.
3). Story Time at the Library (at least twice): I know this should be a no-brainer and not a bucket list item, but somehow the boys and I made it the entire summer last year without going to story time at the library Huh??? We checked out our own books but never took advantage of story time. I think I was inadvertently avoiding it because I knew the toddler wouldn’t sit still, but this year, I have faith in him. I think he can do it.
4). Travel to Dollywood (at least twice): We have season passes to Dollywood and even if we only use them twice, we get our money back, but it would be nice to use them a lot since we have them. Last year I think we went four or five times throughout the entire year with only one of those being during the summer.
5). Go Fishing: I can’t remember the last time I went fishing. I want to go fishing. With three boys in the house, I need to know how to fish, at least remotely.
6). Kid Date to a Middle Eastern Restaurant: I love Middle Eastern food, and we have several delicious Middle Eastern restaurants in neighboring Asheville, so I want to take my five-year old on a date one day and introduce him to some delicious cuisine from a different culture.
7). Visit a Nearby Small Town:Â There are a number of cute little small towns around here. I would like to take the boys to one they’ve never been to or at least one they don’t remember going to. Some options are Brevard, Mars Hill, and Saluda. Just thought I would share those for any local readers.
8). Run on the Beach at Sunrise: I love running and I love watching the sun rise over the water, so I’ve decided it would be fun to be running on the beach when the sun rises. We’re traveling to the beach this year with my husband’s entire family, and we’re super excited. It’s going to be hard to motivate myself to get out of the quiet house that early and run, but I think the end result will be well worth it.
9). Lunch/Brunch with Mom: My mom and I used to go out together alone once or twice a month. We would see movies our husbands wouldn’t want to see or sit at brunch and enjoy a mimosa. We would walk around the mall and shop or sit outside and dine at a sidewalk cafe. Since the little monkeys were born, we are typically using her as a baby-sitter or the entire family goes out together. I’ve decided it’s time she and I had some alone time this summer.
10). Run Two Races: I started entering races/runs back in February. The last one was in April, so it’s soon time for another. I think I should be able to at least fit in two races this summer. We have a million going on around here; I just need to find a couple that fit with our schedule. I always love it once it’s over!
11). Watch Two Classic Movies: Again, you would think this wouldn’t need to be added to a bucket list, but my husband and I haven’t sat down and watched a movie in ages. He nor I have seen nearly enough classic movies. I have only seen pieces of both Casablanca and Breakfast at Tiffany’s, so those are two I’m thinking about. I’m open to options, though. Anyone suggest a classic movie they just adore?
12). Do for Others: I really want to give back this summer. I’m not sure if that means working at our local soup kitchen with my preschooler or volunteering somewhere, but something… We have many opportunities to give back in our small town. It’s so fulfilling to help others, and it’s been a while since my family has done something meaningful. It seems like we do a lot around the holidays then fall off the band wagon. It’s time to hop back on.
So there it is. That’s my summer bucket list. What’s yours?
My kids don’t get out until next week, but we don’t necessarily have a bucket list. We have a couple of trips this summer that will keep us busy & we have lots of beach time planned.
I need to do a bucket list though i keep saying it i am yet to get on and do it lol.We have a lot planned for the summer so we are going to be very busy.
Just linked up! I love your list. You hit several things I want to do this summer (running on the beach is crucial next month.)
Yes! I just have to run really early or I feel like the humidity is going to suffocate me.
We have a few of these on our own list. I want to get to St. Louis to visit my mom and dad, and take Red to the Aquarium once a month!
Sounds awesome! Maybe I should add aquarium to our list. Hmmm…
Running on the beach at sunrise sounds like great fun. Well, running on the beach at any time sounds like fun right now. LOL
I find hubby and I are watching movies separately now. It’s been awhile since we sat down and watched one together. That’s a relaxing way to sneak in some snuggle time with him too. 🙂
Absolutely! We need more of that around here. 😉
I also have some diy beauty products I want to make this summer. I am also going to try out some diy cleaning products. I want to make our house as chemical free as I can. I like that you made you list one that can be accomplished.
A ‘chemical-free’ goal is an awesome one. I so wish we could do that around here. My hubs holds a misconception that only traditional cleaning products truly clean. I’m working on him…
I don’t have a summer bucket list yet, but I sure like yours. Love the idea of exploring some small nearby towns. 🙂 I love watching movies! I watch one almost every night!
Every night? I am so jealous. You are more than welcome to use my list as well. 😉
What a great list. And all very achievable! We need to get to the library, too, but it’s at the worst time…lunch time! We need to adventure to nearby cities, too!
Yes, it must actually be achievable. I didn’t want to overwhelm myself since mommyhood is already a bit overwhelming! You are right about story time; we thankfully have a few at 10:00am. Otherwise, I could never manage.
Great list! I should make us a summer bucket list! 🙂
I have had a bucket list for years. I enjoy tackling the items on it.
I did not make a Bucket List for summer – great idea. I did make a To Do list…I checked off a big one on my list. I finished redecorating my spare bedroom.
Good job! I haven’t achieved any yet.
My bucket list would be to get my older son involved in sports. And to go to the zoo. That would make me happy.
I definitely plan on doing some of the items from your list. Reading 5 books might be a bit harder for me. I definitely will be doing some volunteer work
As normal as it may sound, one of our Summer Bucket List ideas is to visit the Zoo. We have never been to the one here in FL, only Denver. I would love to be able to cross that off this Summer with my daughter!
This is a great list. I also want to make sure my boys give back this year. What an important lesson to instill!
I don’t have an official list. I would like to read more though.
I have yet to start a Summer Bucket list. I would love to go camping more than once this year. I really want to get out on the water and go Kayaking with my husband down a river. That is a good start.
Kayaking sounds awesome. I’ve never done that either.
Sounds like a fun summer! I need to make our bucket list, still. We also just got done with school- stupid winter weather!
If you like YA like I do, then I suggest The Vigilante Poets of Selwyn Academy, Reality Boy, and The Beginning of Everything.
Thank you so much for the suggestions, Shell. I love YA literature!
I don’t have a summer bucket list, but I have vowed to read more in general. I just got a great start while on vacation and hopefully I can keep it going. Reading The Goldfinch now, which is an amazing book! I highly recommend it!
Great list! I like the IDE of watching a few classics. I should add that to mine, which currently only has spend as much time as possible at the beach lol.
I love that you included a plan to be selfless! I think that I need to add that to our list too!
Great bucket list! I’ve never been to Dollywood but I’ve heard it is so fun!
oh wow I forgot Dollywood even existed. Went there as a child and have plenty of great memories. Now you have me thinking about doing my own bucket list
DIY beauty products and tips are on my summer bucket list too! And Dollywood would be amazing I love Dolly Parton!
Ohhhhhhh I want to hear about the beauty products you make! I’ve always wanted to make my own.
I will keep you posted!
Love the idea of giving back! I think that should be on everyone’s list!
I’m majorly impressed with your list! Not only are you thinking about yourself and your family, but you are trying to help others as well. Very cool.
I love your bucket list! I want to read a lot AND travel to see family!
I want to go to 3 beaches, get 1 good sun tan in, dye my hair blonde, and relax!
making a bucket list is a great way to make sure you get things done for the summer. I’m going to put one together for the kids
This is a great bucket list. You should for sure try the DIY beauty things. I love doing pumpkin face masks and scrubs 🙂
You’re going to have such a busy summer. It sure looks like fun though!
Wow, that is a lot to accomplish in such a short time. I need to make a bucket list but I think I would have to narrow it down to just one thing, lol. Of course that would not be a list. Watching classic movies would probably be my list.
I hope to read more this summer as well. I dont get to read much during the school year – other than text books.
Great list. If you’re looking for a DIY beauty product you should try nail hardener. I did it and posted it on my blog. It’s one of my most popular pins on Pinterest too.
The two classic movies item caught my eye. I tend to really get sucked in to classic films. Love them! Great list.
I love this idea. You have some great things on your list to do. I think I will start my own summer bucket list soon.
I really like your list, there are a bunch of things that are different and I wouldn’t have thought to do.